It's Time To Take Your Turn
After years of putting everyone else first, you have dreams yet to be realized.
Now is the time to make them happen.
You have dreams, goals, and new needs as much has changed in your midlife. Going through it alone means a constant battle between the confident go-getter that wants to do all the things and the inner critic telling you it's not worth the work.
What would you do if the confident go-getter inside of you was able to show up more?
Our dreams can be a reality when we have amazing women helping us through the steps. Holding our hand as we get out of our comfort zone. Being there as the butterflies take over our stomach and the self-doubt kicks in.
Midlife brings many changes to our personal and professional lives.
We can continue to ignore them or we can embrace them and take control of our future.
It's Time To Stop Muddling Through Alone
What can you accomplish with the right girlfriends cheering you on?
Growing up in the 80's we watched ALL the movies with the slumber parties and all night talks about life. Did anyone cry through Beaches at the theater with their BFF? No, just me? Um, we assumed we were going to a comedy since Bette Midler was in it. lol
Did you move away from those friends? Maybe life and work left you too busy to stay connected and the friendships fizzled out.
I hear from women that they have no idea how to find friends in midlife. That they crave the connection, but have no idea how to go about it.
Are you craving conversation with like-minded women that are creating more in their life with the sole purpose of having more fun?
Any of this sound like you?
Welcome to the Bold Besties.
You've done incredible things in your life, but you crave more. Lets figure out what that more is for you.

Weekly coffee & confidence check-in
We meet each week with a topic to start conversation and get you thinking about what your needs and goals are.
The power in the weekly meeting is the personal discussion back and forth about things that matter to you. Meeting weekly we become invested in each others goals and want to help see them achieved.
This is a time to mentally check in and definitely celebrate moves you've made! I believe no move forward is too small.
At this time meetings are Tuesday's at Noon EST/9am PST. More times will be added as membership grows.

Bestie Private circle
Get feedback on something new you want to try and tell us what is holding you back. Sharing your fears takes away their power over you.
Brainstorm new ideas and learn from others in the private group.
Reach out to your new besties during the uncomfortableness of trying new things.
If you are ready to put yourself first and enjoy the life you've created,
your Bold Besties are waiting to meet you.
New members receive a private 30 minute welcome session to get you in a bold frame of mind.
Join now for only $97 a month
Currently Closed

I was born bossy and full of confidence. But, somewhere along the line I let people get in my head. A lot of people. Self-doubt caused me to often hide who I was to fit in with who I was around.
For too many years I became ashamed of parts of my personality and thought I had to change. Thankfully I had a moment where I woke up and started asking myself why I felt the need to change who I am for some, while ignoring the many that love me for who I am.
I no longer feel the need to change in order to try to make others feel comfortable. I want to share ALL the encouragement and tools I've learned to make sure you love who you are as well.
Fully embracing my personality has led to amazing experiences. Dreams I'd tossed aside or decided I wasn't good enough to accomplish are now possibilities.
Dreams I didn't know I had, such as speaking and writing books. All now possible because I've given myself permission to fully show up as me.
There is only one you. Not fully bringing your talents to your family, community and the world is just a waste.
Be bold and live as your best self.
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