Time to promote the Bold Life Collection
Sales Period: July 9th-15th
I’m making it easy for you with swipes for your email and social media, including some images.
Commission for the Bold Life Collection is 50%.
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List of products as of 7/1 $807
Rosie Battista – Master Class Experience: 3 Core Principles of Self Love – value $247
Jenny Journals – June’s JJ Club Printables Pack value $20
Color Monthly – Color Your Way To Gratitude value $19
It’s Mother’s Turn – Design a Night Time Routine for a Happier, Healthier You value $75
Val Selby – Bold Boundaries Workshop – value $67
Leadership Coaching Club – The Ten Keys to Happiness – value $17
LifeWalkGPS – Discovering God’s Unique Design in You – value $147
Healthier Outcomes – What Your Body Wants You to Know About Your Health & Weight – value $47
Inspired Women Amazing Lives – Be A Confidence Diva and Get Stuff Done – value $27
Alaska Mom Life – Self-Care Journal – value $27
Introverted Prosperity – Choose You! ebook – value $47
A Sacred Vibe – Guidance Through Intuition: Be Happier and More Confident Making Decisions – value $67
List of speakers
Tishia Lee – Body Positive on the Runway
Kelly McCausey – Why I Couldn’t Love Myself
Elizabeth Hughes-Callison – Go From Waking Up Feeling Worn Out, to Feeling Alert and Capable Of Being Super Mom
Tessa Stowe – How to Create More Happiness Consistently and Have All the Juicy Side-Effects of Happiness
Claudette Chenevert – Why Setting Healthy Boundaries Can Make a Positive Difference In Your Life
Gabby Conde – 5 Ways to Trust Your Intuition to Make the Best Decisions
Gillian Hood – Your Body’s On Your Side: Make Peace With Food & Your Body For Health, Happiness & Pleasure
Carol Owens – Creating My Best Self
Val Selby – Bold Boundaries Live Workshop
Rayven Monique – The Fastest Path to Happy
Mary England – Sparkly Self-Love And Acceptance
Email #1
SUBJECT: Want to live your best life? I can tell you how…
Hello, my friend!
When was the last time you took time out for yourself without having kids, spouse, or work pulling you away? Do you feel like you’ve lost your sense of purpose? Are you constantly giving, giving, giving to everyone and leaving nothing to give yourself?
My friend Val Selby is one woman who felt like she was living for her family instead of living for herself. She noticed this trend years ago but was in the midst of raising her kids. Now that she’s in her 40s and the kids are grown, she’s discovered what it means to “live your best life” and she’s on a mission to help other women let go of their fears and inhibitions and rediscover their best lives.
Sometimes it takes a village of cheerleaders to help you see the epiphany that YOU are deserving of joy and happiness. Yes, caring for your family is a necessity but carving out time for yourself is still doable, even in today’s busy world.
If you need some help rediscovering yourself, here’s your personal invitation to sign up for Val’s Bold Life Collection.
Bold Life is one part online summit, one part product bundle, and one part group coaching. She has lined up a list of speakers to teach you and to cheer you on. They have donated some of their paid products to offer you at no extra charge. AND you get access to the private Facebook Group where Val will post daily videos and you’ll have a chance to interact with other program participants.
Yes, it takes a village and you’ve got an instant village of support once you register for the Bold Life Collection. Here’s your invitation to make yourself your topmost priority and to live your best life but you better act quickly because the program begins on July 9th.
To your success,
Email #2
SUBJECT: Rediscover your joy with this amazing event!
Hello, my friend!
In today’s busy world, it’s all too easy to lose your sense of self. You run from getting your kids on the bus, to work, and then back home to cook dinner and go through bedtime routines. Before you know it, your alarm is going off and it’s time to start the rat race all over again.
If you feel like you’re in a hole and don’t know how to get out of it, treat yourself to a week of empowerment from the amazing speakers at the Bold Life Collection. Coach Val Selby is your fearless leader and she gathered this collection of speakers and products based on her own experience of seeing women lose sight of what gives them joy, simply because they were too busy.
This collection consists of speakers, products, and daily video lessons from Val inside the private Facebook group. The speakers will also be members of the group so you can mingle and ask them questions. Consider these women your cheerleaders for a week!
But let’s not forget all the support you’ll receive from Val and the other members of the group. We’re all in this together and we need to lift each other up!
Val and I want to see you glow with your newfound joy and rediscovered purpose but YOU need to take that first step and register for the collection today. Move quickly because the program starts on July 9th.
You deserve happiness!
Is your personal life suffering because you’re burnt out? Are you tired of constantly giving of yourself? Reclaim the joy in your life by joining the Bold Life Collection! Join a village of empowering women who will cheer you on to take back your life! [LINK]
Oprah constantly touts “living your best life” but do you KNOW how to do that? Join me in the Bold Life Collection where a village of the best cheerleaders will teach you how to empower yourself + reclaim your joy! Move quickly though…it starts soon! [LINK]
It’s time to put YOUR needs at the top of your list! Come join the Bold Life Collection which features speakers, products, and private group coaching so you can be inspired to take action! Plus mingle + ask all our speakers questions in the private group! [LINK]
Lady friends…if you’re tired of being tired and feel like there’s more to life than carpooling and working, it’s time to reserve time for YOU at the Bold Life Collection! This unique event is part online summit; part product roundup; part group coaching; ALL hosted by coach Val Selby. You’ll be privy to hearing inspiring female speakers and their products AND themselves in the private coaching group! Just think…it’s like your own circle of cheerleaders who want to see you find joy and purpose in this crazy-busy world. Join today! Event starts July 9th. [LINK]
Do you sometimes feel like you’re in that movie Groundhog Day, where every day is an exact duplicate of the previous day? Life can feel that way with all our routines. My friend Val Selby is a coach and mom who spent many years watching her mom friends lose themselves because they were living for their kids. So now Val has created an event that will inspire you to put YOUR needs first so you can find joy and your true calling in life. The Bold Life Collection is a collection of inspiring speakers and products plus you’ll have access to a private coaching group hosted by Val who will provide daily video lessons. Super extra bonus: You can ask all the speakers questions in the group! The Bold Life Collection starts in July but grab your seat quickly. [LINK]