Some things that can happen when we work together…
#1: Embrace your personality because it makes you YOU and that is amazing.
#2: Remember lost dreams you are excited to resurrect again.
#3: Find new dreams to go after that you don’t realize are a possibility.
#4: You set boundaries and decide how people will treat you so you attract even more amazing people in your life.
#5: Celebrate the hell out of the life you have already created and each kick ass thing you now plan to do!

To decide if coaching is right for you, I invite you to schedule an initial consultation with me.
Let’s take 15 minutes to get to know each other and see if you are ready for coaching to get to your best life.
My Personal Journey
8 years ago I went through a total hysterectomy (both ovaries) and our oldest graduated. Since then the youngest graduated and we’ve lost two beloved parents.
5 years ago I made a choice to put myself first and my birthday was amazeballs.
That night we finally checked our phones and my beloved FIL had died.
I could have continued to live in my whoa-is-me very easily. No one would have blamed me when I told them my FIL died on my bday. But I chose to finally choose me.

I’ve helped 100’s of firefighter wives since 2008 put themselves first even though their hubby’s are doing “hero” things.
What I found was a connection between those of us in midlife and a major mindset change happening that needed to be addressed.
Setting boundaries in your life and saying where things stop and start is key to happiness.
You have a personality and expertise that needs to be shared. You have decades of knowledge to put to use and create your best life.

“What I found to be most helpful about coaching with Val wasn’t that wasn’t that we worked on some big grandiose thing.
Instead she met me where I was at, struggling wiith a few things that I was overcomplicating, and helped me focus on the baby steps, of what I wanted to do to get the results I wanted.”
Tish Lee –

“Val’s coaching was spot on for me and came at the time I needed it most. She has been through similar situations, which helped her relate to me. I am an empty nester that is ready to start the next chapter.
I found that I am able to push myself to do things that I otherwise didn’t think I could do before.
I look forward to more coaching with her.”
Elizabeth H.
I believe in you. Ready to move forward? Lets do it!