You have so much on your plate and I bet you carry the expectations of others on your back as if they are golden. Why haven’t you lived up to their expectations yet? Maybe because you don’t give a single shit about what they think you should do but you haven’t stepped forward for yourself yet? Maybe because you haven’t decided to live YOUR best life yet.
You can create a life that you love waking up to and it has nothing to do with what anyone.
In order to do that, you have to get clear on what that looks like to you. Not what others expect, but what you want your life to look like.
You need to be intentional about your choices or you’ll end up living a life that someone else designed for you. That life is filled with martyrdom and anger. Don’t go there or stay there! Choose happiness and live your best life. It’s 2020 lady and the only thing holding you back is you.
Take a quick look at each topics questions and consider how you could makeover these areas of your life…
Does your career need a makeover?
What would your life look like if you had a job you loved going to? Would you work a flexible schedule so you could be home to go to all your teens events and sports? Maybe you’d like to change careers and work in a different field?
Does the thought of staying in your industry but striking out as a consultant make you smile? Are you tired of working for someone else and it’s time to start up your own business in something completely unrelated?
Are your relationships fulfilling?
What relationships are meaningful to you? Are you actively connecting with those you love each week? Do you make regularly spending time with your friends and family a priority?
What new things have you recently learned about your loved ones? What would you like to do more of with your partner or spouse? How can you prioritize engaging more with the people you love?
Do you consider yourself healthy right now?
Do you feel good about your body? Are you eating meals and snacks that nourish you or are you relying on fast food? Do you have any habits that are negatively impacting your health (e.g. smoking, drinking excessively, etc)? Are you making your sleep a priority so you feel good in the mornings?
How would you like to feel and how important is it to you that you start feeling that way?
How are you connecting spiritually?
Are you part of a faith community that excites you? Do you feel at peace with the Universe, knowing that everything is unfolding just as it should? Are you leaning into your values and living authentically? Do you have a network of people you could call if you needed support or faced a personal crisis?
Do you need to find a new way to connect yourself to your spiritual side?
Where are your finances?
Do you know how much money you’re earning each year? Are you using a budget to track your spending? Could you easily and confidently talk about your retirement plan if needed? Do you let your spouse or partner handle all the financial transactions? Do you have a savings account that could sustain you if you lost your job?
When will you consider yourself a success?
What does success look like to you? Is it working a full-time job and having dinner with your family every night? Will owning your own home or being able to jet off on a vacation whenever the urge strikes you make you feel successful? Maybe it’s working a job where you feel like you’re making a difference? Is it hitting a certain income level or position in your company?
If you’ve decided it’s time to stretch and grow, know that you get to design your life any way you want. What would you love to be doing with this one life you are given?
Remember, you’re the expert on you. You can absolutely make changes to your life anytime you decide something isn’t working for you.
I threw a ton of questions at you, but don’t think you have to tackle everything at once. Goodness that would be too much and you wouldn’t change a thing for the better.
Join me in the Bold Besties and combine your DAMMITs and talents to go after your dreams. Choose to live your best life!
Live Boldly,
I enjoyed this post, Val. Questions can be such a powerful way to get us thinking about things!!
I’ve been using a lot of questions to help me make things even bigger as a goal AND take away some of the fear of the unknown. 🙂 Glad you liked the post and thanks for commenting!
I love that no one’s answers will be the same to these questions. Every life is so unique, and only the individual can truly give honest answers. But I acknowledge that it’s scary as heck to make changes, especially big ones that you KNOW your family or friends won’t agree with or like. Thanks for making me think more deeply about what makes me happy!
And each of us will have different priorities on what to tackle first. I love hearing when you’ve had a breakthrough to what you want. How you talk about it and your voice changes! That’s my addiction, hearing that change lol