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Do you choose a word of the year and actually USE IT?
So many years I was all in for finding the perfect word. It was fun and it was frivolous. I had zero meaning behind it or connection to it. I bet if I could find where the blog posts are archived I’d find some killer posts I wrote to repurpose and laugh at.
Then for 2018 my word hit me like a jug of whiskey upside the head. I took ownership of my word.
You’ll just have to listen to find out what word made that happen in my life and maybe you’ll find your word of the year while listening.
Do you have a word? If so and you USE IT, how did you find that word?
Tell me in the comments!
Live Boldly,
Very rarely have I ever had just one word – it’s usually 2 or 3 words that find me. By find me, I mean the words usually come to so I run with it. Like you mentioned, I used to think a word(s) was going to suddenly be this magic pill that all of a sudden made my life great – ha, wouldn’t that be easy? Nope, also like you I would usually get to the end of the year and have to dig back through blog posts to find out what my words even were. But then in 2018 the word adventure came to me and it took my breath away so I stuck it on a sticky note and put it on my computer. Guess what happened? Suddenly when I was seeing the word daily, I was focused on it so that year was all about adventure! This year 2 words came to me and they are pretty powerful considering what I’ve been through health wise. The words: self-love/self-care & intentional. The word intentional (shortened to intent) is on a bracelet on my wrist (thank you Kelly McCausey) so I see it daily and the other word is ingrained in my brain because I’m constantly thinking of it throughout the day as I have to take care of me and my heart (literally lol).
Such similar stories about words of the year. I love that our first words that truly worked were the same year 🙂 As soon as I unpack my office I’m making myself a bracelet.