Nothing I had ready for today worked, so last night I recorded a new podcast.
I want to help spread good stuff and everything I had waiting to go was heavy and not the right time.
I know for some this might sound crazy, but what if you looked at this time as a gift? If you are staying home, how can you make it kick ass?
Your to do list projects could finally get done. What if you finally used that ridiculously expensive chalk paint and DIY’d that dresser in the garage you’ve been meaning to get to…when you have more time.
How cool would it be to look back on this time and have a positive project from it?
Which brings me to you working on your growth. I want you to come out of this isolation period happier than you went in.
I’ve created a 15 day challenge for you to take for free. It’s ready to go today. I’m determined to flip my own switch and start sweeping my anxiety away. I just can’t handle the lack of control I feel.
So let’s work on ourselves together and Spring Clean Your Attitude. 15 daily emails with action plans that won’t take you long.
What better use of your time but to work on your happiness?
Go to Spring Clean Your Attitude and sign up for the free challenge.
Live Boldly,
Great episode Val. It really is all about changing our attitude and how we look at things. Does the situation around us suck right now? Hell yeah it does but there are so many things, if we choose to change that attitude, that we can be grateful for or find the positive in. Last weekend I loved that I had all weekend to work on my biz – that never happens because the boyfriend and I are always out and about on Saturday & Sunday’s but now that the stay at home order is in place and we couldn’t go anywhere I used the time to work behind the scenes in my biz… huge positive 🙂 And we’re getting lots of stuff done around here – deep cleaning, going through drawers, etc. This time has been a gift.
We’ve gotten so many little random things done finally. Random like the thermometer put up outside that’s been sitting on the counter for over a month. It’s nice to just pick a few things each day and get them crossed off the list finally.
Your biz work over the weekend looks amazing!