Every Thursday in my Wife Behind the Fire group we do Thankful Thursday. It’s a time to stop the chaos for a split second and focus on at least one good thing going on, big or small. I encourage them to come up with something small because it helps you start seeing the good every day. There is NOT a single day that goes by that there isn’t something to be thankful for. No matter how bad the day goes.
If you don’t believe me, let’s chat and I’ll prove it 😉
Happily wasting an hour.
Today as I “wasted” over an hour watching every stage of the sun come up over the mountain I was overcome by how much amazingness has happened in my life over the last year. My ability to watch the sun peak over Mt. Rainier is the icing on the cake for my last 12 months. Years past I might be sitting here thinking how it’s too good to be true. How is this finally happening and we are in this gorgeous house with this amazing view I never dreamed was possible? And I’m human, and those thoughts pass through my brain sometimes, but they are quickly replaced with enjoying the freaking moment and not letting it go to waste. Of being thankful that I have the ability to sit for as long as I want and just take it the gorgeous miracle of a sunrise.
When I look back over the last year and start to count the blessings I’m happily overwhelmed. Only a year! As I watched the sunrise and laughed that it truly has only been 12 months, it blew my mind how many people have been brought into my life and the part they have played in major changes and shifts. Yet most of them have no idea.
In no order except what the universe hit me with, I want to start telling you about these people.
Which brings me to Ravyen.
Rayven Monique was first as I opened my beach camp kit (only 2 left as of yesterday! Use coupon code: EARLY200 before October 14th). I didn’t have to look at the card to know the little pack with the button, butterfly and key to happiness was from her business Color Happy.
Before May, I only knew of Rayven through other friends that absolutely adore her. We’d never talked. I don’t think we ever even commented back and forth on mutual friend’s social media. Crazy!
Opening the little kit was absolutely a piece of Rayven and made me smile. The positive energy that flows from her is contagious because it’s genuine. She has great insight and is awesome about reading between the lines as she listens. And you can tell she’s truly listening as she gives you a unique perspective on something you just couldn’t grasp.
As I leaned into my word for 2019 (ask), she was one that I asked to speak in the Bold Life Collection. We’ve worked together on a project of hers. I’ve sat in on a joint class she held and we’ve had a coaching call. We also bonded over the season premier of GOT. This is where I really got to like her because she likes to predict what’s going to happen next and was getting into trouble for talking. Ok, we were getting shushed for talking because I wanted to hear her predictions and no one else did…so she was whispering it to me and well, I don’t whisper well. lol
So how has this helped in my mid-life shift?
Her ownership of who she is, obstacles she’s overcome and how she loves herself gives me a good example to follow. I’ve had rough times as we all have, but they don’t own who I am anymore. She shows me that I can be as positive as I want and the right people will be attracted to me just as I am to her.
People that lead by example are the best! I’m happy to think of Rayven as a friend and look forward to hugging her at the beach again!
Live boldly!
Love Rayven too! Was awesome meeting and hanging with her at Beachpreneurs earlier this year. And that is Mt. Rainier so we aren’t that far away Val, we will have to connect up! 😉
Yep, Mt. Rainier 🙂 We will definitely connect sometime before the year is up. I love roadtrips.