My inbox, social media and groups are filled with women loving or hating this time of year. I’m sure it’s every year, but for once I’m sitting here in the back eating popcorn asking myself WTH is going on?
Uncontrolled stress is for sure why the haters be hatin’.
During the holidays, our issues are compounded. Relationships that have been on rocky ground are imploding. I have quite a few friends going through their first holiday season without a loved one. If you are in business, then not hitting your goals for the year is a big bummer. All valid things, but even more reason to find some good to rock into 2019.
The lovers are spreading their gratitude for what they have.
Those that are loving this time of year seem to be in the same boat I am. I’mso happy to be in this boat and it was all about changing myself. I have the stress. I have the yuck. In fact, I have major of both of those. However, I’m just choosing where to focus.
As I read “14 Ways to Start the New Year Off With Enthusiasm and Excitement” over at The Work at Home Woman, I was loving how many of these are things that I’ve been doing more and more each year towards the holidays. And I’m totally ok with not doing some of the other things.
One tip from the post that has really helped me this year was reconnecting.
Are there people who inspire you that you’ve lost touch with? Are there business partners that you haven’t worked with for a while that lift you up? Are there forums that you find beneficial but haven’t visited recently? Reconnect with them.
This year I have pushed myself out of my comfort zone and worked hard at connecting with people I’ve known for years. In fact, I met 5 different online friends in person in 2018! My goal is a ton more next year.
Dawn’s #14 is something I’ve done for years the week between Christmas and New Years. PURGE!
Clean out your e-mail, your voicemail, back up old computer files, etc. Don’t let irrelevant clutter cloud your vision for the New Year.
It started because the kids were home from school and it was a brainless activity I could do while we hung out. Now, it’s just a habit. I love starting the New Year with a cleaned up computer and files.
Now if I could get my hubby to let me into his work emails and create folders and delete stuff I would be ecstatic lol He’s not allowed to open it by me or I twitch. You should never have over 500 emails in their inbox!
Any “rituals” you have going into the New Year?
Remember, happiness is a choice. Live with no regrets,

Thank you for sharing this great post! I really love these ideas. I am with you. The last few days I have been wanting to purge! I feel like clutter is just taking over around me and I want the freedom from all this stuff!
I love Christmas decorations, but I know once they are all put away I feel a little better. That only started happening when I cleared out more stuff in the house. Subconsciously it must feel like I’m cluttering it all back up again lol
Thanks for commenting. Have a Merry Christmas!