Well isn’t that just a super holiday post title? Well folks, I’m not here to sugar coat things. We just don’t have time for that. We have to get to the meat of issues and move to solutions.
Whether you scroll through Pinterest, flip through your favorite magazine, or binge watch Hallmark Christmas movies, perfect versions of Christmas are everywhere. While they are nice to look at and can serve as inspiration for your own holiday decorating, cooking, and gift giving, there’s a hidden danger in these perfect depictions of Christmas that you need to be aware of.
The key word here is “perfect”. When you’re looking at these holiday images, there’s a real danger that you start to expect your own family Christmas to have the same look and feel. That’s about as realistic as wanting the perfect, air brushed body that the model on the latest fitness or fashion magazine has. Coveting a magazine cover Christmas will only lead to disappointment and a feeling of inadequacy. It’s like seeing two trains on the same track. You know they are going to hit. I know they are going to hit. But, keep hoping for a different outcome.
While we may intellectually know not to expect the perfect holiday display, we may still subconsciously want it after seeing these perfect holiday visions all around us. Since, we can’t all realistically have a perfectly decorated home, or a color-coordinated tree with designer ornaments, we end up feeling disappointed when we look at the macaroni ornaments on our tree and the mish-mash of ornaments.
When we fall into that trap, we miss out on a lot of what makes Christmas special. It isn’t about perfection, gourmet food, and color coordinated ornaments and glorious table settings. It’s about sharing a special time of the year with our loved ones. It’s about sharing memories and making new ones. It’s about baking cookies, giving gifts, singing Christmas songs, hanging lights, sipping hot coco, and making more of those beautiful handmade ornaments with the kids and grandkids. It’s about being a messy, loud, and happy family enjoying Christmas together.
Don’t let this idea of perfection take the joy of the holidays out of you. Go bake some cookies and make a big mess. Hang those construction paper ornaments with pride. Get out all the kitschy little decorations that remind you of your childhood. Crank up those holiday’ tunes and then nestle up in the couch with some hot chocolate and sugar cookies to watch “Christmas Vacation”. Who cares that there are crumbs in the blanket and one of the lights on your tree is out. What counts is that you’re having a good time.
This year, instead of perfection, embrace coziness, happiness, and love. Enjoy a Merry Christmas!

PS – Many of us are planning our businesses for 2019 and ramping up for some self-help jump starting in January. I’m a part of a great giveaway event called Blogmas.
All the items you can sign up for are free and Angela will be giving away a one year membership to the Laptop Lifestyle Club. Give the page a look and see if there are items that will help you rock in 2019.
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