I’ve had an amazing Friday so far. No, I did not have mimosas this morning to cause it. But, a 5am meeting was on the menu and I’m still rocking an awesome day. I’m not a morning person so that is huge that my brain is still firing.
I hope your week hasn’t stressed you out too much and you have energy to enjoy your weekend. Tonight cheesy Christmas movies on Netflix are calling my name and a glass of red wine from my favorite winery. Hubby is on shift, so I can cry over stupid movies.
3 months ago I started working diligently with my biz coach and mentor again. Yes, this coach has a coach. I believe everyone can benefit from the right coach at the right time when they commit to the process.
Even though I’ve known Kelly for over a decade, this was the right time for me to bump everything up. I met with her at an in-person, intimate workshop and that is where I took off in this direction with ValSelby.com. Biz life has been rolling downhill like a snowball since then. In a TOTALLY good way.
I’m growing in biz and self-confidence like crazy.
Does it weird you out that I write and help people like you with self-confidence and figuring out what you want to do, yet I need help finding my clarity?
It shouldn’t and here’s why:
We are too close to our own issues to work through all of them on our own. We need outsiders to listen and look and give an unbiased analysis of where they see us stumbling. We also need them to point out the areas we excel and where we can really focus to shine.
That balance is what a kickass coach will do with you.
That’s what my amazing mentor has done for me and meeting her in person just made everything fall into place in so many areas of my business. Knowing that she’s also a no BS kinda gal, I know she’s not blowing smoke up my ass when she tells me that I’m good at something.
Having her invite me into her community to chat and work on projects means she knows I rock at it.
Having her ask me to speak at her conference in October means, oh boy does she believe in me!
Yes, folks, that is how much I’m growing in a mere 12 months time. I’m going from attending my first live business event just a little over a month ago, to speaking at a conference next October. It will be almost exactly 12 months from event to event. I’ll also be attending another conference in April.
If you are a biz gal I’d love to meet in person at one of them. If you sign up through my link I’ll even take you out to lunch!
Beach Camp is just for us gals this April in Daytona Beach. (It’s late notice, but this is on a giant sale for just a few more hours)
Exposure & Profit is in Atlanta next October.
You don’t hit your dreams by not growing. It’s scary AF, yet so exciting I want to jump up and down every time I think about it. Writing it to you right now has me grinning from ear to ear like a goofy kid. Traveling has been big on my list. It’s my turn to do whatever I want with this life. I’m so thankful to have a hubby that supports my choices.
The adventures have been starting, but they are about to ramp up in grand style. Laptops are meant to travel and that is what this one is doing.
I’ll be working from Vegas all next week while my hubby is at classes. He knows there is no way in the world he can go without me. I love Vegas! The lights, the crazy, the entertainment, the people watching, the food. It’s so much fun.
While he’s in class, I’m stepping out of my comfort zone. I invite you to join me on the Facebook page as I adventure on my own through Vegas during the day. Yes, on my own, doing anything I want, eating anywhere I want and shopping anywhere I want.
To some it may seem odd that I’m telling you about adventuring on my own and that it’s a big deal. You may do it all the time. Knowing you possibly adventure regularly on your own doesn’t cause envy in me anymore like it used to.
I got married young and we had kids young. I’ve rarely done things on my own. I’ve NEVER lived on my own lol I’m telling you all of this because if you don’t see Facebook LIVES from me I want you to call my ass out. It means I’m choosing easy over growing. If I’m not posting LIVES it means I’m hiding in my hotel room alone doing behind the scenes work. A silly thing like adventuring in Vegas is about huge growth for me. It’s about getting out of my own head and remembering all that the teenager and 20 something wanted to see of this world. I mean it that I want you to call me out.
So, how are you growing right now and what are your plans for even more growth in 2019?
Happiness is a choice. Live with no regrets,

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