Don’t Go Through Your Self-Help Journey Alone!

Embrace Who You Are
It's time to stop changing your personality to please others.
What if owning just one personality trait that makes you YOU is enough to make big changes in your life? We're not stopping at one, the goal of this workshop is two. Learn more here.

No More Boundary Creepers
Are you being everything for everyone and find yourself easily pissed off and whiney?
By setting boundaries, we determine how we will be treated and what is acceptable to us. Both of these increase our happiness! Learn more here.

Group Support While You Do The Work
Now is the time to make your dreams a reality.
Get clear on what your dreams are and how to make them happen. All with a group of women going through the same journey you are. Learn more here.

Do You Recognize What Makes You Happy?
If you’ve forgotten your dreams we’ll dig them out or create new ones. Dreams can grow as you do. You have the choice to change them at any time. Learn more here.