You have things about your personality that make you YOU.
For many these are things that you’ve been told over the years you should change or at the very least alter.
I call these our DAMMITs. They are things about you that when you try to change them you become miserable. They are so much a part of who you are meant to be that it crushes you not to embrace them.
They are awesome and the positives about your personality traits need to be shared. They are a superpower when you hush up the inner critic and the outside people that want to hold you back.
My friends are shouting their DAMMITs to the world and using them to do good. See if you have heard any of the things these women have been told or felt.
Kelly McCausey – Love People + Make Money
One of my DAMMITs is that I’m bossy.
When I was young, I was told to stop being bossy, that nobody likes a bossy woman.
Today I just own it. When I say I’m bossy, I simply mean I’m willing to lead and actually like it. I like being a leader. I don’t mind the responsibility and enjoy creating opportunities for others to follow and be part of an amazing community.
Something I appreciate is that I don’t have to be the boss. I am pleased to follow and be part of an awesome whole just as much.
The adventure is deciding where I want to lead and where I want to follow!
Tish Lee – Shining Self
Oh man, it’s hard to pick just one but I’ll go with the one that I have heard my entire life (and still hear sometimes): you talk TOO much and share too much information! And that of course ties into another one I heard my entire life too – you are too loud (sometimes people would put that in a nicer term and say boisterous lol).
I like that I talk too much because that gives me the ability to host my podcast, The Your Shining Self Podcast. It helps keep the flow of conversation with the quest going. And I like that I am an open book (share too much) because that has led me to finding my voice and being willing and vulnerable enough to share my story with others. And knowing that just by sharing my story has inspired other women and invited them to step into their best selves just proves that everything I’ve been through and overcame was for a reason – to help others! 🙂
I’m using my DAMMITs for good by podcasting – that love of talking helps me get those stories of hope, love & transformation out to the world. And the love of talking also helps me spread my message by being interviewed on others podcasts, speaking at some virtual events and soon speaking on stage (yep, just putting that out there to the universe that I want to be speaking on stage!).
Jennifer Burke – Mighty Marketing Mojo
I’m a marketing geek and DAMMIT I like that about myself!
I like that a set of skills I developed, put aside for another career, and then came back to have become the core of my solopreneur business. I’m a researcher at heart and by training. I’m also a teacher and sharer, so I’m proud that my love of researching and learning about all things easy marketing and simpler tech can be something I teach and share to others. I spent years reading, going to classes, testing, and poking around in all things marketing so it’s a dang good thing I get to do something useful with all that knowledge!
That’s the best part, I’m YOUR marketing + tech geek! I’m going to go research this stuff anyway. I hate seeing my fellow smart solos struggling where they don’t need to or having it stop them from sharing their own gifts and skills. Now I use my DAMMIT super power of geekdom to lift up other solopreneurs and get them and their businesses unstuck so they can attract more of the awesome clients they love helping.
Elizabeth Hughes-Callison – It’s Mother’s Turn
One of my DAMMITs is I’m too sensitive.
I was told all my life to grow a thicker skin. I have found that this is a big part of my personality. I might overreact to what some people say to me, but is that always a bad thing?
I think it is one of my core gifts. It helps me to show compassion for people, animals, things, and I enjoy giving back to people. My sensitive nature is not all about being hurt by what people say. I am finding out.
And my DAMMIT…
One of my DAMMITs is I tell it like it is.
This led me to being told I’m too blunt and no one wants to hear it. I’ve even been told I should come up with better ways of explaining things. I should have a softer delivery or not tell them at all even though they asked my opinion.
Guess what? People do want to hear the truth. When they ask me a question they know they are going to get my honest opinion and ideas even if it’s not what they hoped to hear. I’ve learned that there are many women that are tired of people telling them what they think they should tell them. They value being told the truth so they can make informed decisions.
I’m much smoother in my delivery now. I’ve attracted women that do want to hear the truth and not a lot of fluff. It’s definitely helped me to be a better coach when I no longer feel I have to be wishy-washy. Goals don’t get hit when real feedback can’t be given freely!
Embracing this about myself has helped me not be as sensitive to hearing the truth from others. I had become over-sensitive about others telling me the truth because I didn’t feel I was allowed to do the same. This is something we will be discussing in the workshop.
I’m thankful for my friends above not only sharing their DAMMITs but being some of my biggest cheerleaders to continue to share my DAMMITs!
I want you to find your DAMMITs and share them with the world.
Sign up for the Stop People Pleasing self-study workshop and find two of your DAMMITs.
I can’t wait to hear your DAMMITs and how you will use them for good.
Live Boldly,
I love this! It’s great seeing women who are unapologetic about who they are! Confidence is beautiful.
It definitely helps to have a community that supports you being you! <3
This is such a cute post! My DAMMIT is definitely that I am often told I am too loud – but I know it doesn’t negatively affect anyone and if people find it annoying, too bad. I get excited about things and can’t help it…so sue me!
YEAH, loud and passionate are two of my DAMMITs too lol When I’m recording a podcast you can definitely tell when it’s hit a point with me LMAO