Woohoo, new podcast equipment. Boo, learning curve because OMG it picks up every noise! Let’s see if I can keep my sanity while I get used to it lol
Today’s episode is for all you women that are like me and have been told you are too much of something.
Too loud.
Too opinionated.
Too energetic.
Too flamboyant.
Talk too much.
I’ve got 3 tips for you today to help you work on any hang ups that might be happening with people having told you or still telling you that you are too much of something. These are just 3 big ones to delve into why you feel you are too much and need to change your personality. They won’t fit every situation or experience, so there are more of course 😉
Join me in the What Do I Want? workshop and find out more ways to kick other people’s ideas of who you are supposed to be to the curb. But that’s not the best part of the workshop because this workshop is all about you.
I want you to help you stop saying you don’t know what you want to do. We’ll find 3 things and create a plan for you to do them. 3 things that are personal to you, not your loved ones, not your friends, you.
I hope you will join us in the What Do I Want? workshop so you can stop asking yourself What Do I Want. We start the live sessions on July 20th.
Do you have a personality trait you take crap about? Share in the comments.
Live Boldly,
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