It's been a while, quite a while. No podcast since 6/24. No email sent since 6/27. I was sporadic with it all for over a month before those dates
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Midlife Boundaries
Episode #45: Goodbye Birthday Martyr
Bare with me through a bit of this one and you might want a tissue. I promise if you stick with me it's ALL good. My story I'm sharing today
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Is Your Environment Screwing Up Your Confidence?
By this time in our life we tend to beat ourselves up a little when we feel like we don't have our shit together. But there are many different
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Episode #43: OIY My Boundaries SUCK Right Now!
By the end of 2020 my boundaries SUCKED and I was spiraling.
It had been too long since I'd gone over them to see if I needed to make changes or
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Episode #42: I Am Not An Open Book
I've always considered myself an open book and that isn't a negative in my opinion. It's not something I need to change about myself.
But, I think
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Episode #30: Boundaries In Midlife
I don't always record an episode and put it directly up. In fact I try not to because it stresses me out. Ironically I'd put off recording Boundaries
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Episode #23: Comfort Zones and Boundaries
Comfort zones and boundaries are two big topics that have weighed heavy on me the last few weeks. I've been doing some serious adjusting and I'm so
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How to Set Boundaries in Midlife
I've been having many chats about boundaries in the last few months. The more the conversation comes up, the easier it is to realize that YES,
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