Tracy learned later in life just how much experience she had in a lot of areas and then how they could be connected. She's now putting it together
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Midlife ReInspiration
Corbie Mitleid: Cleaning Out Your LifeCloset
Listen in as I talk with Corbie Mitleid about self-help that is actually helping yourSELF, not someone telling you what to do. What a refreshing
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My Own Midlife ReInspiration
It's been a while, quite a while. No podcast since 6/24. No email sent since 6/27. I was sporadic with it all for over a month before those dates
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Universe Says Declutter
I love days with coaching calls that are just flowing. That's how this morning went. By flowing, I do mean 2.5 hours of them all bumping up against
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Do Ya Feel The Changes?
Oh boy, are you ready for this episode. I'm in full squirrel mode. Fully jacked up on Starbucks and self-growth. Totally blowing my own mind with
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The Problem With A Life Purpose
All this talk about ReInspiration has brought around the good and limiting mindset of the term life purpose.
Listen in as I go into why it's
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