Hey there over-thinker! Yes you!
How did I know you are an over-thinker? Well, it's a bad habit most of us women fall into, so it's a pretty easy
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Organizing Your Bold Life
We know that nothing happens if we don't put it on the calendar. I couldn't be the first one that ever came up with that rule in their house right?
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Thankful Thursday: Rayven Monique
Every Thursday in my Wife Behind the Fire group we do Thankful Thursday. It's a time to stop the chaos for a split second and focus on at least one
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Knock Down Your Self-Esteem Roadblocks
Believing in yourself is a big part of your success and happiness. But if you have low self-esteem, it’s not easy to believe in yourself. And that
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Boldly Believe In Yourself
Living a bold life means you are aware of things that make you happy. It naturally improves your self-confidence. When your self-confidence begins to
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Stop The Negative Self Talk
Low self-esteem causes negative self-talk. Which further lowers your self-esteem causing a vicious cycle where you continually feel bad about
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Improve Your Self-Esteem Today
Good or bad, self-esteem is how you view yourself. It’s the glasses you look through when you consider who you are. If you have low self-esteem, you
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Aw Crap, I’m Not Meeting My Goals
Goals, we all have them with varying degrees of how important they are to us. Some of you may have long-term retirement goals; others may have goals
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4 Awesome Traits Of Happy People
You just want to be around happy people don’t you? There is something special about them. Apart from smiling and laughing more often than the rest of
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Do You Have Peeps?
I'm here to annoy you with a story. I promise to keep it short. Don't roll your eyes at me knowing that's not possible! lol
I want to know who you
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